It's official! On a tip from lc, VTK has just confirmed what we all really knew anyways: Guinness is good for you. Take that, red wine. You suck! You too, Queen Elizabeth!

Combining the effortless elegance of Maria Von Trapp's Meadow with the austere functionality of a Trapper Keeper since 2005.
yeah, yeah, the date on that is from 2003. I needed an excuse to post that picture of the squirrel. and to slag off Queen Elizabeth.
You never, ever need an excuse to slag off Queen Elizabeth. That's what she's there for.
While we're at it, fuck Princess Diana.
uh oh - controversy! drama! Who's going to defend Lady Di's honour?
Well, then obviously we need to gather a crew and suck down all the healthiness we can find!
I could use some iron.
Taxidermy squirrels are good for you.
No takers, huh?
Guess not.
Unrelated question: is Britney Spears pretty much just a drunk stripper now?
Also unrelated, I'm a little troubled by the implications of these poll results. Can someone inform the American public that the military is not actually one of the three branches of our government? I just wanted to point that out.
squirrels drinking guinness! so cute i want to puke! not because i drank too much guinness or anything...
You can't drink too much Guinness. It's good for you!
oh right.
But seriously - isn't Britney pretty much just a drunk stripper now?
say that again about princess di and i'll cut you.
i still remember the day she died. i cried and cried and cried.
i just... need a minute...
I was in the trailer park when she died I think. I don't remember if I poured out the first sip of my quart of Natural Ice.
You should never cut me. My grandmother cut me once. Once.
Now I'm torn. While the last thing in the world I want to do is upset scoutie there, I'm dying to say things like rumor has it, one of the biggest reasons the marraige between Chuck & Di didn't work out better is that she refused to give him oral pleasure. Just on the basis of that alone, she deserved every bad thing that ever happened to her.
What to do... What to do...
On the subject of Brintney...
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