I'm honored to have been selected as one of the contestants on the first season of Blog of Love, the exciting new reality blog phenomenon. Everyone knows how much I love the reality tv. And the blogging. So, this brilliant fusion of the two should be right in my wheelhouse. The experiment is being run by blog betties, bee-spot and dmbmeg, neither of whom I've met, but both of whom I've coveted excessively through the interwebs. I don't fully understand the rules, but see the links below for some sort of explanation of the experiment. I'm pretty sure bee-spot included me in the list because she figured I'd cry, boycott her blog, or write something snarky about her if she didn't. But I'll take it. Every reality show has a token this and a token that. It's likely that I'm the token creepy older man in this game, but again, I'll take it.

I've already promised to play
bee-spot like a recorder and
DMBmeg like a fiddle. On second thought, that might not be creepy; that might just be sexy. But as I taught the world last weekend, "creepy is the new sexy", so the lines are going to be a little blurry. blurry and hott. Unfortunately, I'm going to be away in Northampton/Amherst for the weekend, too drunk to blog (yes. I know what I said), so I may be missing out on valuable creepy/sexy time. Hopefully the memory of how generally uncomfortable I can make people will be enough to hold me over until Sunday night. Here's a little teaser, which also happens to be 95% true: I'm wearing nothing but peanut butter and scuba flippers right now.
p.s. if you want to see some incredibly dorky photos of me from the 6th grade nutrition quiz team, see bee-spot's previous post. I think she called my mom to get those. Talk about creepy.
but creepy is the new sexy! also, if you tell me the tale of your time in noho, since i'm notsalgia city right now, it just might score you some points...
also, to clarify, meg and i also don't know the rules.
When I got into Noho, my friend was still at work, so I went to Packards for a cajun chicken sandwich and some beers and to watch the Yankees Sox game. Had a nice conversation with what I can only describe as a delicate cougar - 40, pretty, southern accent, alone, yankees fan, friendly. Then I migrated down Main Street to check out the old hood, then down Pleasant to my old living room, I mean bar, Hugo's. It's basically the same except they changed the color scheme from red and dirty to mint green and relatively clean. Still cheap beers and a good time. Then I met my friend and we went to the old Bay State bar, which is now a swankyish restaurant/bar for tasty beers and conversation with the staff. Naturally, I left my bag there. I was wondering how I was going to get it back with the timing of the rest of the weekend. Fortunately, they don't feel the need to lock the front door there and I just walked in at 10 am the next morning and poked around until I found it. And that was it for the Noho leg of the Valley trip.
When's the first elimination ceremony? I think the fact that I tried to initiate a drinking contest with another contestant (in your honor), should get me some points.
WHAT?! hugo's is no longer red and dirty? what the eff man? oh, and yes, you went to sierra grill or bishop's, which were my haunts. GOD! i miss it. you should go to the dirty truth next time. and the toasted owl is better for games because it doesn't smell like slut/couger a la packard's. plus, their food is better. also, i fucking hate packard's.
oh yes, points were scored. had you two actually met and pictures were recorded, well, i'd have flown out there to officiate.
I know. It was pretty shocking. It's like Hugo's grew up and traded in their ratty vintage clothes for smart ensembles from ll bean. I was all about the pool in those days = hugos and packards. I used to just go upstairs all the time. It was a little different at the bar. not bad though (if you like slut/cougar smell, which i do). The Toasted Owl was a pizza shop when I lived there. Never been to the bar. You're right - the Bay State is called the Sierra Grill now. Good place. Dirty Truth? Dunno that place.
Hey, I was there. He claims he didn't see me. There's still time for you to come up for future drinking contests though.
i still don't believe it. pictures, please, next time.
Oh, you're about to get some pictures alright. Check back in about 20 minutes.
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