Things I didn't do this weekend:
1. Eat crawfish remoulade, crawfish etouffee, crawfish monica, gumbo, oysters rockerfeller, soft shell crab po boys, alligator po boys, meaty white beans and ribs, fried okra, red beans and rice, sweet potato pone.
2. Drink $3 Miller Lites in the sunshine at the Fairgrounds or $6 cocktails on the streets of the French Quarter
3. Listen and dance to live zydeco, blues, rock, reggae, country, etc., fat drunk and happy with friends.
4. Enjoy my 9th consecutive Jazzfest in New Orleans. The streak is over.
Things I did do this weekend:
1. Eat jambalaya (made by yours truly) and muffalettas (made by the mostess hostess TL)
2. Drink 50 cent Miller High Lives and free Hurricanes in Cambridge, Lynn, and Sandwich, MA.
3. Listen and dance to live R&B in Lynn and (not live) New Orleans' Brass Band Jazz in Sandwich, fat drunk and happy with friends.
4. Party Jazzfest style in absentia.
I couldn't really afford it last year but went anyways. This year I really couldn't really afford it and had to pass. Since the beginning of the current millenium, the New Orleans' Jazzfest has been a big part of my winters (looking forward to) and springs (enjoying and recovering from). My yearly reboot. I couldn't make it this year but a couple fellow Fest veterans and I decided to have our own celebration. Friday night brought many beers and a disappointing Celtics' game. Saturday brought a stopover at the Lynn Yacht Club for a benefit gig for Joel's cover band (4 hours with Lynn's finest) and late night partying, chowing, drinking, hottubbing, etc at the compound in Sandwich. Sunday brought a New Orleans level hangover, a leftover jambalaya omelette, and an extremely gratifying Celtics' game*. It wasn't New Orleans, but it was a good time. And I won't be sick for a week like last year.

Hey Dan,
Bless yer hung'over fat and happy heart!
I hung your post onto today's Ladder. Right above WWOZ where you belong. btw-I listen online: wwoz.org
Can't help you wit'da Celtics though. I even have Celtic ancestory and I can't figure them out this year. It is way beyond faerie magic.
Of course we all over da'Hornets who will probably move. Jeez Louie!
But we have our Saints. Yes. We have our Saints.
Look, you come on back home next year and bring yer fat happy friends too.
Thanks, Nobel Mon.
Editor~New Orleans News Ladder
Right on, Editilla! We missed you dearly and will try to make it back home next year to fatten up our bellies and happy up our souls.
VTKids, check out the Editilla's blog for some great New Orleans (and otherwise) coverage:
It may not have been the Big Easy this weekend but we managed to squeeze out a pretty rocking time!
Bon Ton Roule
Good to know that the plural of Miller High Life is High Lives. Makes sense.
Well, as you might imagine, there's been considerable conversation about that. It's been debated to the point where both "lives" and "lifes" are considered acceptable. I prefer lives.
I vote for Lives...I never thought of it before.
I do know that the pluran of Naragansett is 'Gansetts.
as in "Gimmee some Gansetts!!"
First of all, you aint fat no more. Thankfully, i got fatter this year to make up for it. (thankfully?...you know what i mean...i thinnk).
2nd, Miguel Tejada can't call BS on that lame show E60, much as they are indeed lame. Exploit the system for your own financial gain, then don't complain when some lame-ass reporter exploits you for ratings that translate to ad revenue/financial gain.
3rd, nice hanging wit you and joel and sean and becky watching that horribly officiated game 6.
4th, If i lived in Cleveland, i'd be even fatter this Thursday, due to this:
That is all.
p.s. as a fat guy, i can say with confidence that your jambalaya was dog gone good.
"High Lives"....
"High Lifes"....
"High Lives"....
"High Lifes"....
The problem is, they both sound right. Is there an add campaign in this? Maybe you should pitch it to them.
N-Lo: I can't convince myself that you believe this: "Exploit the system for your own financial gain, then don't complain when some lame-ass reporter exploits you for ratings that translate to ad revenue/financial gain." I just can't believe that you, a self-proclaimed liberal, would hold that opinion about a poor kid from the Dominican Republic and middle classed American twat. It's even too fantastical for me to conceive.
M5K - I should pitch it; I could use the revenue/financial gain.
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