I want to take this opportunity to congratulate my state of Massachusetts and award them/us the
Miss Gay Boston First Runner Up 1981 - 82 trophy that crowns the detergent rack downstairs in my apartment building's laundry room. As reported in the
Globe, the
Phoenix, and the
bostonist, a joint session of the MA state legislature voted 151 to 45 to defeat a proposed constitutional ban on same sex marriage, preventing it from getting on the 2008 ballot. The next possible opportunity for people who like to walk around with "God Hates Fags" signs to get a constitutional ban question on the ballot would be 2012 and I don't think there's any realistic chance of that happening. With each passing year that the sky doesn't fall, people will become less and less interested in preventing people who love eachother from marrying eachother. And hopefully the rest of the nation and world will eventually follow suit. Could happen. Until then, I'm proud to live in such a tolerant and brave state. Even if that means tolerating Red Sox fans. Kudos MA. And kudos again.
yay massholes!
ok, Okie, get it done down in La Homa. First MA, then OK, then the world.
oh, i wish. oh how i wish. but, oklahoma is as backward as they come.
Hopefully we'll see more states follow your lead.
hey, you do what you can, right? blythe, you're the project manager in OK; catherinette singleton, you're the project manager in MD.
i'm on it. but probably nothing will happen. red states rule!
You can start by boycotting Joe Rogan, because Ant called him a homophobe: tmz
actually, why don't you go ahead and boycott both of them on the grounds that they aren't funny, never have been, and never will be. Joe keeps accusing people of joke stealing; maybe he should consider starting to steal jokes as well.
well that link didn't work:
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