I've been planning on putting together a string of gallery shows for this summer now that I have all this free time. Seemed like an appropriate move for someone making a run at being a professional artist, which I'm sort of, not really, doing. The idea was to hit a bunch of spots across Massachusetts that I have spent some time in and that have thriving arts communities, so I've tentatively settled on Provincetown (partying at Hamilton's house for 5 years counts), Cambridge (currently residing), Northampton (UMass, post-UMass time spent at Hugos), and of course - Pittsfield. The home of the Mighty Housatonic. I'm still looking into solidifying spots at the first three, but it is with great pleasure that I announce that 10 or more of my paintings will be hanging in Pittsfield City Hall (pictured) for the month of August. How you like me now, Coach Belanger?
UPDATE: and then just this afternoon, I secured a show at the Middle East here in Cambridge. I went to the Zeitgeist Gallery and the guy wasn't there, but the other guy said they were booked for like 8 months. Then I walked by the Out of the Blue Gallery (who manages the Middle East shows) and the guy there said that he could give me a show on the restaurant (non-corner-bar) side for the month of September. So my concept of working my way across the state in order may not work out, but it's a pretty good place for a show. And I have more of a connection to it than the Zeitgeist or some other gallery (connection being that I've hung out there and gone to shows there for over 5 years).]
great to hear about your upcoming shows but i must ask you to defend including pittsfield in your group of "thriving arts communities". c'mon. pittsfield?
it's happening (and I mean that in the sense that it's occurring and in the sense that it's groovy and hip). Have you not heard of the Storefront Artist Project? Norman Mailer's daughter Maggie is single handedly turning that town around. Normally I hate interlopers, but anything for the ahts. My kingdom (Pittsfield) for the ahts. In any case, she's setting the table nicely for me to blow back into town and blow the doors of the joint.
you did it again. "groovy and hip"? pittsfield? pittsfield, mass.? not that i'm doubting you could rock them all from pittsfield to hinsdale and back. you have alot of talent but isn't some guy pissing on an alley wall considered an artist in pittsfield?
I told you not to let me drink Wild Turkey that night.
and I meant "blow the doors off the joint". I have no intention of blowing the doors of Pittsfield.
(though I think there's some serious poster/calendar potential there. like the Doors of Ireland. but different)
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