Well, maybe I shouldn't make a prediction on the proverbial heels of my failure to predict the Super Sunday winner. On that front, I still can't believe the Pats couldn't get it done. What a shocka. On this front, I don't have a prediction because a. I don't want to jinx it; and b. the polls have been unreliable at best. But the official VTK Super Tuesday endorsement is obviously going to my fellow Hammers fan: Obamarama! Get out and vote.

Who cares about the Republican Primary. I'll pick Romney to pick up the upset by a kissed baby.

Sunday was a shocka. I'm actually fine with the loss-it was a great game, both teams played well and made few mistakes, there was no cheap shit, etc... And you have to hand it to Eli for marching down the field on the last drive, making the plays (breaking the tackle), and Tyree making the catch, etc.--they won the game. But I am pretty tired of the gloating by the Giants fans. I guess Pats fans have exposed a bit of their bad side the past few months and people are sick of them. Oh well.
As for the election, I like that you don't want to jinx anything, but I think there are some easy predictions to make. Clinton will win the big states, including California, because so many people already voted in early voting before the Clintons showed their true colors in South Carolina. Roughly a third of the names on my voter-sign-in sheet this morning had "requested early ballot" on them. Even forgetting the polls, which I agree have been faulty, she's got most of the Democratic establishment on her side. The lame-ass smarmy mayor here in SF Gavin Newsom unleashed a hit piece last night and this morning talking about how Obama snubbed him when he was in the middle of his gay marriage maneuver and refused a picture taken with him. But, even with that kind of crap, it isn't going to matter much. Today will settle nothing--the delegates will be roughly split and later primaries will be more important. Barring a sea change, it will stay split until the convention and then Clinton will call in all her favors and the super delegates will go for her, making her the nominee. The left will be disenfranchised and will sit out the general election and the Christian right, who was likely to sit out the election or even go for Obama because they love the preaching, will get energized at the thought of 8 more years of Clintons and will go out in force for McCain. McCain wins it and the Clintons and the rest of the Democratic party will blame Cynthia McKinnon and the Greens (and even Nader, who is still considering a run if Clinton wins) for siphoning 1% of the vote and will hold up the entire election as proof that the party needs to tack further right.
But, as they say, predictions are made to be broken. Also, this isn't my blog so I should shut my trap. Go Obama!
I'm not a Giants fan by any stretch of the imagination, but they've got the right to celebrate (gloat) over a victory of that magnitude.
Well, I'm hoping that's a jinx paragraph right there. I'm more hopeful about Obama's chances. But even if he loses a bunch of the states he will pick up a load of delegates as you point out. I'm hoping what you say about the super delegates is not the way it shakes out. I also don't know how jazzed the Christian right's going to be about McCain after months of him getting slammed by the conservative talk show hosts and the Ann Coulters of the country.
Not your blog, true; you should shut your trap, false.
Just now, while power-napping here at my desk, I had nightmares about that baby being devil-kissed by Romney.
It actually looks like he's sucking the brains out of that baby.
What makes you think he isn't?
I guess he was kissing his hopes goodbye because MSNBC was reporting that Romney senior advisors were saying that today would be a day of "frank discussions" for the Romney campaign. It seems like they should have been talking frankly amongst themselves all along if they wanted to win the nomination. What a stupid mistake.
On the Dem side, kiss my ass Massachusetts and California. You call yourselves liberals? Hillary Clinton? really? But overall, you'd have to see the whole night as a draw. Obama won more states, but Hillary won more delegates (clearly the more important thing). This thing's going down to the wire.
actually, the Wash Post only has her winning the day by one delegate, leaving her overall lead around 60.
Also, with Texas on the horizon, why do Hispanics and Asians hate Obama again? What am I missing here?
I think Hillary is hoping she can at the very least get to the covention with a tie and then let the "super delegates" hand her the nomination.
Clinton Machine keeps chugging!
nauseating, isn't it.
Do Super Delegates get to wear Capes?
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