I got nothing, VTKids. Nothing to write about right now. Too early for season or playoff previews for the Yankees or Celtics; nothing big to report about the Hammers; sick of hating on Hillary; Not much to report on the progress of Business Casual Stag Devil Death Boy (doing the final touch-ups); Haven't been particularly creeped out to the point of inspiration by anything lately; Nothing original to say about the Oscars (Bardem was genius level creepy in No Country For Old Men) -- Hey, there's something right there. How bout that Javier Bardem. He's come a long way since that farcical Spanish phone sex movie, hasn't he.
That performance was creepy enough to warrant mention here.
i'm only posting this because you said it was slow. the ceo of victoria's secret thinks the brand is too sexy. um...? the only thing creepier than javier bardem is a victoria's secret ad campaign that is un-sexy.
?? What's their new direction? frumpy? douty?
apparently it's the softer side of sexy. chubby?
Hello Kitty?
Betty Boop?
Nothing tones down sexy like cutesy.
there are lots of directions they could go here but I want cold hard cash from VS before i submit any more ideas for free.
pms-y underwear. that's hott. I would predict a spike in gay conversions (temporary or otherwise) after the release of such a line. Either that, or a spike in bar revenues.
which, for some reason, reminds me of an old joke:
Paddy: I'm going to the pub, Maggie. Get your coat.
Maggie: Oh? You're taking me with you?
Paddy: No, I'm turning the heat off.
also appropos of nothing except perhaps creepiness . check it out.
"terrier-chihuahua crossbreed"? Maybe next time they'll get a proper sized dog.
i love how they shrugged off finding the thing in the dog's bed. Like, "oh well. I guess the 16foot python is gone now." maybe next time they'll get a proper sense of panic. Ok I didn't google creepy but I guess on slow news days that is the go-to. kimjungilia cures what ills ya.
North Korea is definitely creepy. Have you seen the creepiness news wire on the right margin of VTK?
did you hear that the war's not bad for the economy? that's what the president says. It creates jobs. So you know, that cancels out the 3 trillion dollars spent on the war.
"Julia E. Sweig, director for Latin America Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, described Bush's statement on Cuba yesterday as 'classic dug-in Bush embracing a failed policy no matter what.'" Exactly, Jules. Now that the economy is tanking and Bernanke's sweating bullets and you might as well use the dollar as toilet paper - so the war, this is helping the economy. Huh? I guess economy doesn't mean what I think it means.
Uh, yeah, lc. You're probably thinking of the old meaning of "economy". It's different now. For instance, the new economy doesn't go into "recession", it just has "slow downs". See? That's much better. You don't want to go too fast. That would be reckless. So the slow down is a good thing. Just like the war.
just like pms-y underwear. i think I am starting to understand the "new" economy...
Yep. there's a new sexy. there's a new economy. USA really is # 1.
i'm ignoring all other comments to pursue my own agenda. have you read the 'lucifer' gn series? it was pretty good. and 'preacher'. how the fuck did i miss those? god i'm glad i finally righted that wrong.
i'm trying to like manga but i have to stick to the kiddie stuff as the porny manga just makes me confused.
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