Is it totally random, Doc? Are you flipping coins with this rotation? And how about the offensive strategy? Do you call plays? Suggest some? Does it make any sense whatsoever to sit Eddie House for the first two games, wait until Sam Cassell establishes that he's going to chuck up misses without trying to run the offense, wait until Rondo turns his ankle, then put him in a tight NBA Finals game on the road, and have him take 3 out of the last 6 shots in the last two minutes (not counting Pierce's meaningless chuck with 2 seconds left)? Does that make sense? Maybe I'm wrong. I was glad he put Eddie in over Cassell, but he should have been playing him all postseason long.
Crap game by Pierce. Another sub par game from KG. A game's worth of make-up calls from the refs. Doc. Great games by Kobe and the Twit. 35% shootign vs 44% shooting. There's your loss. I'm pissed but I totally expected to lose this game. Now we really need to win one of the next two. Preferably game 4.
If you're LA Fan, you can't be too happy with the play of the Lakers. Pierce and KG collectively submit a stinker, you get the calls, Kobe goes to the line a bajillion times and you barely eek out the W at home?
I don't feel too bad about this game although we could have won it and I don't think L.A. will gain much confidence from the win. It doesn't seem to me like the Lakers can win with anything but a great game from Kobe and poor games from a couple of the big three. An average offensive game from KG and PP last night and we win by 10. I was thrilled that House got minutes over Cassell. Yet again Sam made a good jumpshot, got cocky and launched two ridiculous shots. I'm not going to criticize Doc much because it seems like the bench held their own. The game was really lost by poor offensive performances by Garnett and Pierce and Kobe hitting everything in the 4th quarter.
I'm not going to bitch like Phil Jackson about the officiating but I will say that I have no idea what a personal fouls is anymore.
Forca Portugal!!!
I hate Kobe Bryant.
Doc should have given Powe more than 6 minutes to get in the game. Especially considering the less than stellar game from PJ. Where's your head PJ? No need for that foul than near dust up with Jordan Farmar. Jordan Farmar? He just looked like he had "lost the plot" to borrow from soccer lingo.
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