I was plugging away at the graphic novel this afternoon, keeping a hopeful eye on the West Ham v Liverpool score, and listening to me daily dose of British squawking, the World Soccer Daily podcast. I was geared up thanks to me mum's XMas gifts - a West Ham United FC centre half around me Gregory Peck and a WHUFC tit for tat on me loaf of bread. Any more kit and I'da been forever blowing bubbles with the bloody Irons themselves! Well, you can imagine me french fries when I hear your man say that Democratic Presidential candidate and VTK endorsee
Barack Obama is a legitimate West Ham United fan! Apparently he's been following them for 5 years since his sister married an English Hammers fan and he's a huge fan. You know he's not lying, because who would pick West Ham? I mean, besides me. I knew I liked this guy. Then, the icing on top of the icing of the cake, the Hammers convert a penalty kick at the end of injury time to snatch a 1-0 victory over the reeling Reds of Liverpool. You may be walking alone sooner than you think, Benitez! What a great day for West Ham United / Obama supporters. Here's hoping this massive victory is a portent of things to come on Supa Tuesday. Up the Irons! Up the Obamas!

Oh, and who do you think the Clintons support. Natch. The Red Devils of Manchester United. Obvi. And who pulled big upsets in their last three matches against Man U? Obama's West Ham United, thank you very much.
(cockney rhyming slang from
(pictures and story from
Much like her stand on the Iraq War Hillary Clinton is a unrepentant flip flopper regarding sports as well. Sure she supports ManU. until it becomes clear that there is some advantage to being an Arsenal fan. She has shown a history of this in her baseball rooting preferences.
youtube is broken and I can't view that video, so I'll assume that it is pro-Yankee. Is Obama a Cubs fan or a White Sox fan? Wasn't he a community organizer in South Chicago (ie White Sox territory)?
Yeah, you gotta love Hillary's "I've always been a Yankees fan" crap when she moved to NY. But aren't Man-U and the Yankees teamed up or allied anyway? So in her defense, it probably makes sense that she likes them both. That and the fact that both teams are bloated waste-products.
Take care to not let your blind Yankee hating rage force you into ignorant and erroneous statements (e.g. calling Man U a bloated waste-product. They are as close to a finely tuned athletic machine as it gets - truly great to watch, even if I hate them).
Dan is right. The difference between Man U. and the Yankees is that Man U. has been successful recently.
Typical, predictable, irrelevant, and wholly pathetic yankee-bashing from both of you. Why don't you post an open thread for yankee-bashing on your blog dewy24? I'll send you lots of traffic. You and akboognish can feverishly jerk eachother off over how evil the yankees are.
In other "football" news, I watched the second half of the Fulham - Arsenal match yesterday and aside from the huge disparity in talent, two things stood out to me: 1. Clint Dempsey is a legit Premier League striker and if Fulham get relegated, he'll get picked up by another team that will be playing in the league next year (bottom half of the table or newly promoted team); 2. The reason Arsenal is so good is not because of their mega-star big name players, but because of the lesser known players (to me anyways) like Hleb from Belarus. I can't ever remember paying attention to him before, but he looked awesome yesterday. Great skills on the ball.
Typical, predictable, irrelevant jerk offs? All true.
Pathetic? No. Arrogant, yes. You can't be pathetic if your team is better than the team you are insulting. Anyway you know we're just taking the piss out of you.
Did you see that Fulham picked up Eddie Johnson?
Pathetic precisely because your team are the World Series champions; you're on top, yet you continue to fiend for the yankee-bashing spike in your vein. But, yes, I know you're just taking the piss. Which brings up a more important question (relevant due to recent VTK drunk birthday belligerence):
Is it the case that VTK can dish it out, but cannot take it?
This would be troubling if that were the perception (or the reality) for VTK or the man behind the curtain.
Also, related note: I should not drink whiskey.
I did see that. EJ makes 5 Americans on the Fulham squad (though only two starters). Too bad they're likely getting relegated. More interesting are the rumors of a Michael Bradley transfer to 4th place (first in Merseyside) Everton. The transfer window is closed and it didn't happen, but might happen in the summer. The question is would it be a good move for him as he probably wouldn't get too many games. Benny Feilheiber can barely get playing time for Derby County. Freddy Adu isn't getting too much pt for Benfica, but I think he's got the right idea going to a second tier league like Portugal or Holland. Then when they get as good as Clint Dempsey, Brian McBride, or Carlos Bocanegra they can move to a mediocre Premier League team.
I didn't realize that Man-U won the Premier League in '07--I was thinking of the few years before that that they seemed to suck (after being lights out for a while). And I think I remember that Chelsea beat them in some championship game, which I just learned on Wikipedia was the FA Cup Final. There are too many finals in soccer for me to keep track--that's my excuse.
As for being able to dish it but not being able to take it? Interesting question. I'd say you're somewhat on the border, but I'd also say that most of us are somewhat on the border. I thought the debate a little while ago about the yankees and the red sox was a good example of your not being able to let an argument go, but I don't know if that's the same thing as not being able to take it. It did seem like that argument got you a little more revved up than the other folks on the string, but that could just be choice of words and the fact that you were being beat up by three different people. I'll have to think about this one a bit more...
Well, I don't mind the not being able to let it go label. This is my blog after all, and I feel that it's my duty to present a strong front against the amoral hordes. But I'd hate to get the label of being able to dish it out and not take it. I think those are different things - especially re Yankees-RedSox.
and I wouldn't say I was being "beat up", you bastard!!
Well, that Chelsea team was unbelievably stacked (still are), so it took quite a team to beat Man U. In fact, Chelsea are probably the more appropriate comparison to the Yankees in regards to spending and the influence of the owner. Chelsea won in the FA Cup, but that's a distant 2nd in that country compared to the English Premier League title. Man U is in first right now after a rough start and with the possible exception of Inter Milan (who I haven't seen play), are the best team in the world. I think they're better than Real Madrid who have looked beatable in the Champions League despite their success.
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