Combining the effortless elegance of Maria Von Trapp's Meadow with the austere functionality of a Trapper Keeper since 2005.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Ta Ta Tevez
It looks like the Tevez West Ham saga is finally over with an out of court settlement in which The Irons will release his registration to Manchester United and will receive 2 million pounds in compensation. For much of the last couple months I was clinging to the ridiculous hope that the Tevezmanian Devil would remain at Upton Park, but there was of course no real chance of that happening. A player of his caliber will always end up on one of a very few select European teams. Which is fine. That's just the way it is. But did it have to be Man Fucking U? I can't stomach the thought of him receiving service from the detestable Cristiano Ronaldo in a Red Devil Red jersey. Barf. Anyways, Tevez was the reason I became a West Ham fan and now that he's gone I can either continue my loyal-to-a-fault ways and remain a Hammers fan in his absence, or follow him to his new team. Obviously, that new team is Man U, so there's no chance in Red Devil Hell that I'm going with the latter option. The former option it is. It's as good a team as any to follow in the Premiership. I wasn't interested in bandwagoning on with one of the Big Four and I don't have any connection to any of the second tier teams (the Tottenhams, Evertons, Newcastle, Blackburns, etc). The Hammers have a pretty decent history, are located smack dab in the fiddle of Cockney land (giving me an opportunity to break out the Cockney Rhyming Slang on occasion), and have very cool uniforms. They also appear to be a team that will occasionally have to battle to avoid relegation out of the league, which can be exciting to follow (see last year), and occasionally contend for UEFA Cup competition if not Champions League competition (though you never know). And there's always the FA Cup, which seems to be a bit like March Madness. And they have new ownership in the form of an Icelandic dude named Eggbert, Egglestein, Eggromavich or something who appears to be more than happy to spend money on fairly high caliber players. In this transfer window, they've picked up Scott Parker and Kieran Dyer from Newcastle, Craig Bellamy from Liverpool, Freddie Ljundberg from Arsenal, French national team member Julian Faubert, and change. Not going to cancel out the loss of Tevez (and Yossi Benayoun (fuck Mediocre Reo Coker)) but not bad. And they have an American starting in the backfield (Jonathon Spector). And they're in London, so I might get to catch a game next time I visit there (last time was 13 years ago). So the Hammers, the Irons, West Ham United it is.
And while I'm bidding farewell to one of my favorite players from my favorite team in a VTK sports post, allow me to say arrivadercci to Big Al Jefferson as he was traded this week from the Celtics to the Timberwolves for some other guy, I forget who. I'm lukewarm on the trade because the other guy is supposed to be pretty good and the Celtics should have a good chance of getting to the Finals in the next couple years. But I'm going to miss cheering for Big Al on a regular basis. You always root for your own more than those who you pick up via trade or free agency. Watching Al develop into a legitimate all star caliber force in the low post has been the only good thing about being a C's fan over the last couple years. And not only is he a great player, but he seems like a genuinely likeable kid who really wanted to win a championship with the Celtics. I remember him getting irritated, almost hurt, at the suggestion that the team needed more help in the paint and that he and Paul was all they needed to win the championship. Naive, maybe, but goddamn if you don't like to hear your young budding star say something like that. But he's Minnesota's young budding star now. Furthermore, it sucks that he has to be reunited with notorious assholes Mark Blount and Ricky Davis. I hope McHale has the decency to trade them away and get rid of any barriers to the Timberwolves being Al's team. Good luck, Big Al. Tear it up!
and that was going to be the end of this sports post. until i saw this.
was that post even in english? you know what the great thing about our impending marriage is? i don't have to try anymore. so, you drink your cisco and draw stuff or internet. i'm going watch what not to wear in a ratty t-shirt and granny panties. then i'll call my mom to complain about shit while all of our single friends are out having the times of their lives at the bar. coupledom!
But I agree with Blythe. What the fuck are you talking about? You obviously have a growing all-female fan base, and I think I speak for all (the both) of us when I say I want more woman-oriented subject matter. You know, your feelings, new lip gloss flavors, liquor, etc.
blythe - doesn't that pretty much describe out relationship now? I think the only significant change will be that I'll be smacking your ass playfully when you walk in between me (on "my chair") and the tv. you'll get tired of that and your mom will hear all about it. she'll mention it to your dad, he'll mention it to me over a game of chess and a bottle of Jamesons. I'll black out the conversation and continue smacking your ass. you'll tell your mom again. she'll look away and pine for the days when she used to get her ass grabbed in Applebees. We'll go to Applebees and I'll grab your mom's ass to make her feel better (and to make me feel better).
jeannette - Hey. The VTK likes the sports. C'est la VTK. This has caused dissatisfaction among other female readers such as the Dearest Cupcake and Saugus 2000. DC resolved to simply skip all sports posts and pay attention to only the ones based on creepiness, general shenanigans, comic subject matter, and politics. Is that right, DC? Are you still reading VTK?
I think she's wandering around the mountains of Peru right now. Saugus 2000 is still reading I'm sure. Any advice for the LoVTK (Ladies of)?
dan, i have a headache. what about that can't you understand? we'll do it tomorrow. what? why didn't you tell me your parents are coming for dinner? no, it's fine. we'll go to the elephant walk. seriously. it's fine. then we'll do it wednesday. i promise.
You're right, I didn't read this post, but I just stopped by the comments to say hi. And I am still wandering around the mountains in Peru. More llama pictures to come...
I need a new team now that Henry is not on Arsenal anymore. I guess I am not allowed to be a Chelsea fan even though I think Ballack is H-O-T, HOT! It would be to 'bandwagon' of me.
Well, you could jump ship over to La Liga and follow Barcelona. They should be awesome with Messi, Etto, Ronadinho, and Henry up front. That's a crazy line-up. But that would be pretty bandwagonish as well. As far as the Premier League goes, you're welcome to join me in rooting for West Ham. They should be competitive. Though that would probably piss off your roommate's boyfriend. Tottenham probably has the best chance to unseat Arsenal for the all important 4th spot in the Premier League. But they're the North London sworn enemies of Arsenal, so that'd make for a weird transition. Fulham has 3 Americans and is likely adding a 4th, but they're going to suck. Blackburn and Everton should be in the top 8 and they each have an American goalkeeper (Friedel and Howard respectively).
was that post even in english? you know what the great thing about our impending marriage is? i don't have to try anymore. so, you drink your cisco and draw stuff or internet. i'm going watch what not to wear in a ratty t-shirt and granny panties. then i'll call my mom to complain about shit while all of our single friends are out having the times of their lives at the bar. coupledom!
They go to those shows to see shit like that.
But I agree with Blythe. What the fuck are you talking about? You obviously have a growing all-female fan base, and I think I speak for all (the both) of us when I say I want more woman-oriented subject matter. You know, your feelings, new lip gloss flavors, liquor, etc.
C'mon, Nolan, let's get going.
blythe - doesn't that pretty much describe out relationship now? I think the only significant change will be that I'll be smacking your ass playfully when you walk in between me (on "my chair") and the tv. you'll get tired of that and your mom will hear all about it. she'll mention it to your dad, he'll mention it to me over a game of chess and a bottle of Jamesons. I'll black out the conversation and continue smacking your ass. you'll tell your mom again. she'll look away and pine for the days when she used to get her ass grabbed in Applebees. We'll go to Applebees and I'll grab your mom's ass to make her feel better (and to make me feel better).
jeannette - Hey. The VTK likes the sports. C'est la VTK. This has caused dissatisfaction among other female readers such as the Dearest Cupcake and Saugus 2000. DC resolved to simply skip all sports posts and pay attention to only the ones based on creepiness, general shenanigans, comic subject matter, and politics. Is that right, DC? Are you still reading VTK?
I think she's wandering around the mountains of Peru right now. Saugus 2000 is still reading I'm sure. Any advice for the LoVTK (Ladies of)?
Sports Smorths
dan, i have a headache. what about that can't you understand? we'll do it tomorrow. what? why didn't you tell me your parents are coming for dinner? no, it's fine. we'll go to the elephant walk. seriously. it's fine. then we'll do it wednesday. i promise.
love you!
alright, alright. happy birthday.
Do I even need to point out the irony of a Yankee fan that hates Manchester United?
apparently you do.
You are a man of fascinating contradictions, Mr. Nolan. A real Juan Epstein.
You're right, I didn't read this post, but I just stopped by the comments to say hi. And I am still wandering around the mountains in Peru. More llama pictures to come...
I wouldn't waste time looking too deeply into the logic of the decisions and loyalties of a 7 year old boy.
Glad to hear you're still on board, DC.
also, DC, you might enjoy that video clip. it might appeal to the side of you that loves smash up derbies and professional wrestling.
I need a new team now that Henry is not on Arsenal anymore. I guess I am not allowed to be a Chelsea fan even though I think Ballack is H-O-T, HOT! It would be to 'bandwagon' of me.
So, who do I pick - what is a girl to do????
Well, you could jump ship over to La Liga and follow Barcelona. They should be awesome with Messi, Etto, Ronadinho, and Henry up front. That's a crazy line-up. But that would be pretty bandwagonish as well. As far as the Premier League goes, you're welcome to join me in rooting for West Ham. They should be competitive. Though that would probably piss off your roommate's boyfriend. Tottenham probably has the best chance to unseat Arsenal for the all important 4th spot in the Premier League. But they're the North London sworn enemies of Arsenal, so that'd make for a weird transition. Fulham has 3 Americans and is likely adding a 4th, but they're going to suck. Blackburn and Everton should be in the top 8 and they each have an American goalkeeper (Friedel and Howard respectively).
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