This is not an article from the Onion. It's from a Newsweek article on msnbc.com, which are somewhat reputable organizations. So unless they started a wacky satire column, this is true. According to this article, "In one of history's more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission."
thanks to the nonist for the tip.
At least they have not yet started harvesting organs from live Tibetans as they have from Falun Gong members.
They are, however, scootching about 10% of the population of Tibet around.
that was a positively annotatedrantesque post.
maybe the PRC can make sure the monks reincarnate into sub-prime lenders. you know, make themselves useful.
somebody's studying Chinese foreign policy!
yeah, I found this blog googling term paper topics. It's going to be titled, "what did I say about the scootching?"
I actually voted for the scootching before I voted against it.
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