I'm after watching
In The Name Of The Father and
Brassed Off back to back. You might say I've been getting my Postlethwaite on. Pete Postlethwaite, that is. A fine actor and possibly the best brow/nose/cheekbone combination in the history of film. Also a master of the dignified resistance role. My opinion of the British government is not particularly high at the moment (not that it ever was high).
ITNOTF will fire up even the most diluted of Irish genes. I actually first saw it when it came out in 93/4 in a theater in Cork, which was by far the most intense movie theater experience of my life. People were shouting "Fuck the Brits!" and the like and there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Like
Brassed Off details a true story injustice doled out by Her Majesty's Empire, in which Pete Postlethwaite plays the heart and soul dignified voice of the wronged with a debilitating respiratory illness and a troubled relationship with his tempestuous son. Other than
The Usual Suspects, I can't recall seeing too much of Postlethwaite's work, but I always enjoy him.
When the prisoners yell "Giuseppe's Dead" and the music comes up and they light all the papers and throw them out the window, I cry like a little baby. That movie is one of my top ten, it makes me cry in about 4 places. I can't even imagine seeing it in Ireland when it came out, it was moving enough seeing it in Danbury, Ct.
To this day I'm still pissed that Tom Hank's Philadelphia beat out Daniel Day Lewis for best actor that year. Pete P lost to Tommy Lee Jones in the Fugitive. Hell, I even thought it could have won best picture, but I will concede that Schindler's List is tough competition.
Yeah. That was incredibly intense in the theater. That and the courtroom scenes. And when they put up the writing at the end about the police being acquitted with the Irish music in the background. I'm getting chills right now thinking about it.
Schindler's List tidbit I picked up from an AMC commercial: Spielberg and Scorcese swapped projects directing Cape Fear and Schindler's List.
i loved brassed off! i have a crush on tara fitzgerald. how did this happen? i don't know. makes me want to be an englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain.
In the words of Pete Postlethwaite, she blows the flugel like an angel.
That's the guy from the Romeo & Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio. I loved that movie in 8th grade!
I like to act dumb and young to make other people feel smart and old.
This is a good portrait, though. You have an interesting line, and he has an interesting face.
You're quite the portraiter, eh?
ah, I'm so smart. and ... what was that other thing? losing my memory. must be getting old.
interesting line, eh? not sure what that means but sounds like a compliment, so thanks. Naturally, I'll credit the face. He has a pretty unique face.
Now I think I understand why you left the corporate world. If at all possible, watch all of this. Which is more painful: the lyrics or the earnestness? Sorry, there's no Pete Postlethwaite.
Sure the British have brutalized the Irish in the past but it is nothing compared to the pain Ireland has inflicted on the world with Enya.
I've never been so proud that I don't own a credit card. That pretty much nails corporate life. That stuff really happens. I can remember sitting in darkened auditoriums watching 20 minute slide shows of people in their cubes to the tune of "let's get it started in here" and "I got soul, but I'm not a soldier", (which I thought was an odd selection). It also reinforces my long held conviction that U2 is the quintessential Business Casual Band now. long enough held that there is a reference to it in Business Casual Stag Devil Death Boy.
I'd also like to note that the British Army ended its 38 year policing occupation of Northern Ireland on Tuesday. Though technically there will still be a "peacetime garrison" of 5000 there, it's a step in the right direction.
Dewy 24, Enya is one thing, but what about Celtic Woman? Which, I must admit, is eerily enticing to watch during PBS pledge drives. Kinda like an Irish Bratz dolls for the senior set.
Dan, which member of U2 will Pete Postlethwaite play in the biopic film about U2 still touring in the year 2024?
no brainer. The Edge.
It's a good drawing. I mean, I wouldnt hang it on my---
hardee har har.
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