Once a proud, staunch, tough-on-crime, Republican district attorney for the city of New York, presidential hopeful Senator Fred Thompson has apparently flip-flopped in throwing his support behind brazen criminals with hardened street nicknames such as Scooter Libby. Thompson was the first Republican DA in NYC since Thomas Dewey in the 1930's. Thomas Dewey - now there was a man who was tough on crime. He prosecuted American Nazi leader Fritz Kuhn for embezzlement, even though he probably agreed with him politically. You used to be tough on crime too, Fred. I remember the time Jack McCoy wanted to ease up on ... what's that? that was just his tv character? we shouldn't judge his political viability by his fictional tv character? That's poppycock. I liked him on that show. More than I like Hillary. I'm voting for him anyways. He's got gravitas.

That's right. poppycock.
Origin: Mid 19th cent.: from Dutch dialect pappekak, from pap "soft" + kak "dung."
newsflash: you are from MA, you cannot vote for him.
i wish i had some cisco tonight.
newsflash: you are in OK; you cannot get cisco.
come back to MA and I'll give you some cisco.
I think those shoes are a brilliant idea.
I will steal it.
Ladies and gentlemen of this Assembly, the decision is ours. Never have the nations of the world had so much to lose, or so much to gain. Together we shall save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames. Save it we can--and save it we must--and then shall we earn the eternal thanks of mankind and, as peacemakers, the eternal blessing of God.
steal it you can. steal it you must.
also, Friday Night Illustration totally dissed me. FNI's loss. I had a good one for this week's topic.
What do you mean it dissed you?
Do you want me to send you an invite?
got the invite and posted my picture - thanks.
my friend will be in boston on sunday. i'll have her swing by your place before she flies back to ok. thanks!
cool. you can give her directions, right? it's the same place that you were at last time.
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