Despite the unfortunate baseball results, it was a pretty dern good weekend in Cambridge. The weather was close to ideal, between 65 and 85 and sunny all weekend (and right now, incidentally). And the only bright side to the unfortunate baseball results was that everyone else in the city seemed to be in a good mood, lending to a nice vibe all around.
Friday night brought some birthday partying at Lucky's for birthday girl KO and friends.
Saturday brought afternoon baseball in the pub with a friend and then a pleasant surprise of a total ripping kick ass local rock show at the Plough and Stars, featuring The Konks and Mr. Airplaneman. I had never seen either but was starting to get the sense that this was not your average Plough roots rock band night as the place got more and more crowded. The Konks were good, but Mr. Airplaneman were great. Girl on drums + girl on guitar =
Mr. Airplaneman.
And Sunday, I watched Real Madrid beat Valencia 2 - 1 and then saw two local hero celebrities within 30 minutes of eachother in Harvard Square:

Bill Belichick and Barney Frank. Bill popped into the Chicago One Pizzeria Uno Whatever They Call It with his family and was checking out all the old photos of local sports heroes on the walls (probably trying to figure out which one his picture would be replacing). Barney Frank was crossing the street, waving to some guy in a pick-up truck who had yelled "Hey Bahney!"
Wow. You should change the name of your blog to "ShinyHappyKeeper".
Cheers to being in a great mood and Spring finally sprunging - but I miss the VTK's trademark pessisism.
What can I say? Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy. It's why I stayed in Florida for 4 years. Well, that and the drugs and general lawlessness. (Wonder if mom is reading this yet)
It wasn't all good times this week, I must admit. I've had some nasty heartburn or acid reflux or something. So that sucks.
want to cook up some trivia tomorrow? Let me know -
I once worked with a guy (in a hospital kitchen) whose hobby was "riding around Harvard Square throwing eggs at the Barneys" which was all well and good until his friend got arrested for hitting some dude in the head with a pumpkin
I could be up for some trivia.
what's the charge for assaulting someone with a pumpkin? Is that considered a deadly weapon if thrown from a moving car?
suffice to say, you are in pretty big trouble if you chuck a pumpkin from a moving car and actually hit somebody.
so don't do it.
what if you intentionally miss someone? y'know, just put a scare in em?
Team Saugus 2000 did not stand tall last night at trivia. Though in fairness it was a tough night. Newtowne stalwarts such as The Exploited and Kaiser Souze only finished around 100 total points (out of the possible 136ish)
I apologize for my poor contributions to Saugus 2000 and for missing Kristin's Cinco De Mayo party.
Dan's obviously getting some. And by "some" i mean "the runs."
Dan's obviously getting some. And by "some" i mean "the runs."
Nice shot, Nick. Don't work too hard.
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