Clearly, that's not going to happen. Ringtones appear to be here to stay. So, as an alternative, I'd like to suggest that you give the Ash Breasted Tit Tyrant a shot. Or perhaps you're more of a Rio Grande Leopard Frog type of person. Or maybe you want to represent H-Town with some Houston Toad action. H-Town BITCHES!! I would even suggest a Bare Shanked Screech Owl for some of my readers. Fortunately, our friends at the Center For Biological Diversity have made that possible through their new website, rareearthtones.com. If you're going to annoy me, the least you could do is raise awareness about endangered species while you do it. Get yourself some Orca action. Me? I'm holding out for the Arroyo Toad, the toad that Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts famously called "hapless" in his efforts to undermine the Endangered Species Act and limit the reach of the Interstate Commerce Clause. Of course, first I'd have to get a cellphone.

Ahh, that arroyo toad who, for reasons of its own, lives his whole life in one state and thus is not subject to the interstate commerce law (as I understand it from our last juridical repartee).
Speaking of abusrd vagaries, look what happens when you type in your website incorrectly http://vontrapperkeeper.blogpot.com/
Sorry, I can't do the clever thing with the links. And merry christmas, vtk
Return of the Mac! YESSS!
That vontrapperkeeper.blogpot site is going to warrant an entire investigative report.
merry xmas to you too, lc. best of luck with the fam.
oops. the last 700 O's on that HOLY SHIT got cut off.
seriously vtkvolken, check it out:
Return of the Mac = my jam! yes indeed.
You'll want to speak to this gentleman:
Doug Powell (DME) use this one (BLOGPOT-COM-DOM)
PO Box 10142
St Petersburg, FL 33733
Domain Name: BLOGPOT.COM
Yeah, I realized shortly after posting that comment that he had the blogpot.com domain, not just specifically the vontrapperkeeper.blogpot.com domain. St. Pete's, eh? And that's one of the cooler parts of Florida.
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