Monday, November 20, 2006


You've probably seen this or heard about it by now, but if you haven't actually seen it, check it out. It's even worse than it sounds in the news reports. Michael Richards was doing a stand up gig, some black guys started heckling him and he made a lynching reference and then started busting out the n-word. It seems like he just lost it, said something remarkably stupid and then decided his only way out would be to go all the way over the top. And it just spiraled from there. Definitely not safe for work:


Duffless said...

I watched it last night, and part of me thinks he just lost his mind and that he wasn't being racist but rather trying to make a point -using that language to show them how inappropriate they were being. That them treating him like that would be some sort of equivalent to how he proceeded to treat them. However since he's insane, he didn't realize this point wouldn't be understood by the audience.

Part of me thinks he's just a whackjob racist.

I think him being a racist is up for debate, but him being crazy is not up for debate, he's insane.

Dewy24 said...


blythe said...

i didn't see it, but apparently his apology was ridiculous too. oh, poor cosmo.

Dan Nolan said...

it was like a combination of the Allen Macaca gaffe and the Kerry dumb military botched joke.

I think it was more bad comedy than racism or insanity. His comedy is based on him being this over the top crazy character so he had to say/do something outrageous as a response but it came out wrong and then ... no. sorry. you just can't make lynching references and yell nigger and then blame it on a botched joke. just can't do it. it kinda makes you racist by definition. And lazy. I always thought racist/homophobic/sexist/etc humor was more lazy than it was offensive. If you need to resort to that it doesn't speak highly of your cleverness and wit.

Dan Nolan said...

thanks for the tip, bee-spot. here's that link.

Dan Nolan said...

here's the youtube link if that one's not working for you.


Dearest Cupcake said...

Yeah, kind of like those frat boys who are suing Sacha Baron Cohen for how they appear in Borat. I guess they didn't really mean this country would be better off with slavery intact nor that women are not to be respected. It was the booze talking. Being wasted or angry simply reveals thoughts and feelings that public decorum prevents from surfacing. And I think we all know this from experience. Kramer's a biggot who's just been outed.

Dan Nolan said...

I haven't seen Borat yet.