Much better. Pretty outstanding photography by Jill Greenberg. More here. Thanks as always to the nonist for the tremendous tip.
Combining the effortless elegance of Maria Von Trapp's Meadow with the austere functionality of a Trapper Keeper since 2005.
I couldn't agree more. I dull the pain with chimpanzee news.
monkeys make the world better.
blah blah blah sports sports sports blah blah blah
entertain me N dogg
what the fuck? didn't you see the monkeys? is there something wrong with your computer? MONKEYS. if that ain't entertainment, then I don't know what is.
(plus you post like once a month. and it's usually about Scrubs. and it doesn't get less entertaining than that.)
You forgot one: S.R. Sidarth, a.k.a. Macaca
Welcome to the country.
I'm not sure how Jane Goodall would feel about this.....
wasn't she the diamond thief from the Simpsons?
Dan, I don't recall giving you permission to post my family album online. I trusted you with those photos...
I can't be trusted when it comes to monkeys.
When the hell have I posted about scrubs? You do know my blog is 2 people right?
That's right, between the two of us we average 1 blog a month....the foundation keeps it real, real lazy!!!!!!!
my apologies. I guess it was fuge that was posting about the brilliance of scrubs.
Technically (imagine eyeglasses being nerdily adjusted on bridge of nose), only three or four of those pictures are of "monkeys." Chimpanzees and organutangs are "great apes" and gibbons are "lesser apes." Taxonomically speaking. To encompass them all you could have used the term primate - or as a student once wrote on an exam - "primapes."
Signed, Captain of the Nerd Herd
Who's going to tell the gibbon it's a lesser ape? You, DC? You Lt. Weinberg? No, I would prefer we just call them "monkeys" and be on our way.
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