I set up my show at the Middle East this morning and despite my stressing over the situation, I'm pretty happy with the way it ended up.

Later this afternoon,

After the couple left from the last table that I needed to access to hang the tag, I went over to do so. There was a cute young Hispanic girl bussing the table while I hung the tag and we had the following exchange:
CYHG: Are you the one who did the paintings?
VTK: I am. do you like them?
CYHG: Ehhh ... They're ok. They're not as good as Monet.

VTK: Monet?
CYHG: Yes, Monet. Do you know him?
VTK: Yes.
CYHG: I saw his paintings at the Museum of Fine Arts and his paintings are better. I looked at them and it was like a photograph [what kind of impressionist camera does this girl have]; yours, you can tell they are done by hand. You can see the strokes and stuff.
VTK: So you're saying that Monet is better than me?
CYHG: No I didn't say that. He probably had more practice. If you keep practicing, you never know.
VTK: [*thinking* yes you did say that and that's ok. because he's Monet.] Yep. It takes practice for sure. What's your name?
CYHG: Lesbia.
VTK: Lesbia?
CYHG: Yes, Lesbia.
VTK: Well, nice meeting you, Lesbia. Take care.
Not that you'd doubt me, but I just want to point out that all of that text is verbatim. So, apparently I'm not as good as Monet. He's pretty good though. And I plan to keep practicing.
The show is going to be up for the rest of the month, so if you're in the area, check it out. And if you're in the area on Saturday, September 16th from 3 to 6 PM, definitely stop by because that's when the "reception" is going to be. I don't really know what that entails, but it is a bar/restaurant, so there will be food and drink (though you may very well have to buy that yourself - I'm unemployed).

(it's the Restaurant or "Upstairs" side, not the Corner Bar)
Sir, I painted with Claude Monet, I knew Claude Monet, Claude Monet was a friend of mine. Sir, you are no Claude Monet.
Oui. Vous parlez la verite.
By the same thinking, if I practice guitar a lot, could I be as good as Poison someday?
Maybe you should focus on being as good as Herr Belushi first.
Belushi wouldn't survive a *day* in the hallways and classroom of Newton.
I'm shocked: I couldn't find a clip on youtube under the search "the principal belushi". I think that's the first time that's happened to me.
You're no Moliere either. Moliere really pumps my nads.
I love his work.
damn boy you can paint.
dude, everyone hates monet. but you know that.
thanks. so are you saying I'm better than Monet?
(and you can draw too)
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