1 lb. diced boneless chicken breast
2 chopped hard boiled eggs (cook before removing shells and chopping)
½ cup mayonnaise
¼ cup sweet relish
1 cup chopped salted cashews
1 pink lady apple, cored and diced (unpeeled)
1 cup of red grapes (cut in half)
2 tablespoons of curry powder
2 teaspoons of rosemary
1/3 cup of olive oil
Fry diced chicken in olive oil, curry, and rosemary. Set aside to cool for 15 minutes. Mix chicken, eggs, mayo, relish. Fold in apples, grapes, and cashews and mix until covered in mayo. Cover and refrigerate for an hour. Serve on a bed of lettuce with a nice slice of bread. Eat over dirty Velvet Underground themed floor. Serves 4 and change.
Suggested beverage: Miller High Life.
ah, yes. The Scrapple Rancheros Con Poots. A Philadelphia Mexican classic.
Poots Baby
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