I'm not ready to comment on this fully, other than to say that both of these teams are absolutely brilliant and it's tragic to have it end like this. but, that's the game. what can ya do. Also, I've given up pretending that I'm going to post about anything but World Cup soccer until the end of the Cup (July 9). Viva Argentina, well played Deutschland. Most likeable German team ever? I don't know if I've ever been so devastated by a loss and simultaneously come away with so much respect for the other team - to the point where they may be my favorite team left in the Cup. What the fuck is happening to me? I'm rooting for Germany now that they've eliminated my beloved Albiceleste. I'm mostly rooting for Brazil but was so taken by France's play in the last match that I'm sort of a little bit rooting for them. And I'm straight up rooting for England against Portugal. If you had told me 3 weeks ago I'd be pulling for Germany, France, and England, I would have Baker Act-ed your ass.
just a heartbreaking loss. but a tremendous Cup.
I have to say I'm impressed you are awake and functional enough to blog. Good show -
wait, did I just say that I was rooting for Germany, France and England? Obviously drunk.
I can't believe you were rooting for argentina to begin with....
You know it's bad when I'm cheering for Germany.... they're the least filthy divers of the remaining teams.
Well, I'm not English or Brazilian in any way, so I have no reason not to root for them (Brazil - regional rivalry; England - hates Argentina for challenging their imperialistic right to the Faulklands Islands). My brother and cousin lived in Buenos Aires for a spell and I visited them and went to a Boca Juniors - San Lorenzo game that blew my sports fan mind. (A Boca team that featured Riquelme, Burdisso, Tevez, and Colombian keeper Oscar Cordoba who saved a PK right in front of me setting off absolute chaos all around me - I ended up 3 rows down)
Quarterfinal recap post under construction right now.
Get cracking slacker!
it's coming, it's coming. I've been analyzing the Rooney red card and the 'ian-Ron wink after he got him sent off...
well, then i'm expecting a ball stompingly good post from Von Trapper Keeper
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