Unfortunately, things were not looking as good as the above photo Monday afternoon, when the final season of The Stadium was supposed to begin. It was rainy, and gray, and cold here in Cambridge and reports were that the weather was the same down south in the Bronx.

But good things come to those who wait, every day's a new day, the sun'll come up tomorrow, and a thousand other cliches. After several unsuccessful attempts to boot to the OS disk to reimage my laptop, the Practical Slacker tipped me in the correct direction and after several hours of reimaging, updating, reloading software, etc., my beloved laptop was back from the dead yesterday! Lapzartups! It wasn't a hard drive issue after all, and now my new-look baby is running like a champ.
I have many great memories of Yankee Stadium and will miss the old edifice. I saw Tom Hanks filming a scene from Big there as a kid. I saw the Yankees retire my hero Reggie Jackson's 44 there after throwing up on the Major Deegan Expressway as a college student. I saw a five run 9th inning comeback as an adult and celebrated by convincing the parking attendants who stole my camera to give me $100. Of course, on TV, I've seen countless memorable moments from the pinstripers. Epic home runs, gritty defensive plays, dominating pitching performances. The new stadium is going to be just across the street, so some of the same experience of going to the Bronx will still be there, but obviously it won't be the same. There are certain places in the world where you just get overwhelmed by the sense that you are somewhere special. There aren't too many of those that are sports stadiums, but Yankee Stadium is most certainly one of them. In honesty and fairness to my Red Sox readership, Fenway is too. I love going to Fenway. But for me, and for obvious reasons, it's Yankee Stadium. It's just a magical place. I recommend that everyone try to get there sometime this summer/fall. Red Sox fans who haven't been there, do yourself a favor, swallow your pride, and check it out. Maybe you'll realize that Yankees fans aren't pure evil. Non-sports-fans check it out too. You might get an insight into why we're sports fans. VTK will be represented there at least 2 or 3 times this year to check out Joba, Melky, Robinson, and the boys.

Yankee Stadium is a classic and will forver be linked to the best that baseball had to offer but being a Red Sox fan I have to turn the corner.
It was nice knowing you!
Am I the only only one who responded to this post? A "Red Sox fan"
Looks like it. A good chunk of the VTK readership is completely disinterested in sports so they skip all the sports posts. dewy24, akboognish, and the rest of the red sox rabble rousers may have decided that fighting with me is passe or pointless. Or maybe they're showing respect for such a venerable institution by not commenting.
Or maybe they're in the Fens training hawks to attack poor defenseless girls who have names similar to people they dislike. That might be it.
I just left a very long response about nice hawks, stupid Fenway grounds crews, dead eggs, and stupid kids. Oh, and some nice words about Yankee Stadium and my regrets that it looks like I'll never see it. But then it all disappeared when I tried to post the comment.
hmmmmm. dubious.
Disinterested in sports, but you mentioned my crush, Babe Ruth. So I read it. Now you know the "hook." I am also interested in your newly found powers of resurrection. Explain.
To reinstall the operating system on a Mac, insert your OS start up image disc and reboot. When it first starts booting up press down "C". This will begin the reimage process. Note: this will erase all your data and non standard applications. Whatever corruption was fucking me up, it was completely non-hardware, so this worked. Or so it appears. It's been golden for more than a week now.
I appreciate that post Dan, and feel the same way! I think I have a little tear in my eye....
Thank god they got that dirty Red Sox shirt out of the cement in the New Yankee Stadium. The whole place would've smelled foul.
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