Ad hominem attacks on me only expose how sad you are. How I choose to celebrate my walk off homeruns will not change how your team did in the playoffs. You must accept that.
Please note the jersey you're wearing in this photo. While your celebration of your walk-off home run against the Angels was obnoxious, I'm specifically referring to your now trademark "jazz hands" celebration in last night's game which was done for a one run home run, which still left your team down 4 runs, which were a few innings from leaving your team down 3-1 in the series, which was done in the home stadium of your former team. Truly obnoxious, sir. No other player in the history of baseball gets away with showing up pitchers and teams the way you do - a concession made based on your alleged retardedness. My question is this: Are you retarded? If so, then I will retract my statement and apologize. If not, you should get beaned like every other player in the history of baseball for your despicable behavior. Please go to hell. Unless you're retarded, in which case, you may go to heaven.
I'm sorry, but How many home runs in a row did Manny's make it? What's that? Back To Back To Back home runs? Has that ever been done before in the ALCS? Perhapses Manny did have something to celebrate after all? Not a walk-off, but still pretty clutch, and hopefully adding to the building Rally that his team needed at that point in the game...
When you smoke as much bud as I do you learn to play the game with joy and express yourself. Being an individual is not being retarded. If you prefer homerun hitting robots that lower their heads as they sprint around the bases that is your problem. But to use an overused phrase Manny will be Manny and I am Manny.
I have an idea of who this might be, but why don't you post under your name or pseudonym rather than anonymously posting under a slur like "a-rod likes little boys"?
Bottom line: NO other player gets away with that. Not one. But it's Manny being Manny so it's ok. I would have liked to see him pull that shit on Nolan Ryan. He'd've been a dead man walking to first base with his jazz hands up. I'm not even sure he would have made it to first base. It's ridiculous. And if you weren't a Red Sox fan, you'd agree with me.
Please get help with your drug problem. You're setting a bad example for millions of young baseball players. Think about the kids, next time you take the pot.
I don't think Manny was trying to show up the pitcher, or his former team. I think he was genuinely excited because he got up to the plate and wanted to keep the home run thing going, and he couldn't believe he did it. I couldn't believe he did it, either. I don't think it went beyond that. Sure, it was Manny being an idiot (since he should have shown focus and determination since his team was still down by 4), and maybe Manny being retarded (or stoner), but I don't think it was about him being an asshole. I seriously doubt any players take his shit personally. After all, he's the one who readily admits that he's a bad man. And he remains a better post-season hitter than A-Rod (easy) or, for that matter, Jeter.
As for Pedroia's play, I have to confess that I didn't see it, and I don't know how it played out. Looks to me like he went for a slappy-style interference play that didn't work out because the first baseman held on to the ball. But the important difference was what A-Rod did after being called out, with his pathetic "what????" expression and shock that anybody would accuse him of something like interference. I don't have a lot of knowledge of Pedroia, but I bet he wouldn't react the same way at the end of the play. Sometimes you can't help what you do while running down to first, or into second. But denying it after the fact is pathetic. And don't forget that A-Rod's play screwed up Jeter getting to second base (they put him back on first). Did Pedroia screw it up for another player, too? So, bush league? Yup, I agree with that. He's a rookie, so maybe he gets a free one, and it shouldn't happen again. But "cheater"? I don't think so. Same as A-Rod's move? Definitely not in the same league. Not even close.
Classic Sox fan: always gotta try to make it about Jeter. As for postseason hitting, Jeter's career postseason batting avg is 309, Manny's career postseason batting avg is 268 (A-Rod's 279, fyi)
A lot of players (probably all players) get very excited when they hit postseason homeruns, but not a single one of them acts like that. Short of his being retarded as an excuse, there is no excuse. I don't give a shit if he's "childlike". Children can be taught how to behave.
I don't feel the need to respond to the defense of the Pedroia play. It speaks for itself.
I'll admit that I threw Jeter in there to see if I'd get a fight. Figuring you knew what you were talking about, I almost left it alone. But then I looked into it, and interestingly, I think it's not hard to justify calling Manny a better post season hitter than either Jeter or A-Rod (and not just because he's a bad man): Jeter wins in batting average (as you pointed out above) and Jeter just barely wins in on-base percentage (Jeter: .377, Manny: .373, A-Rod: .361). But Manny wins in slugging percentage (Manny: .524, A-Rod: .483, Jeter: .469). And in on-base + slugging ("OPS"), which is considered superior to either on base percentage or slugging percentage alone, Manny wins handedly (Manny: .897, Jeter: .846, A-Rod: .844). Now, I know, the problem with OPS is that it tends to give too much weight to slugging percentage, when on base percentage is probably a bit more important than slugging percentage. So they invented the Gross Percentage Average ("GPA") which is considered the most superior indicator of a player's offensive worth. Here, Manny wins again (Manny: .299, Jeter: .287, A-Rod: .283).
Interestingly, none of these numbers appear that amazing, especially considering the players' regular season stats. But for comparison, Reggie Jackson's postseason GPA is .292.
Certainly, Manny's numbers are aided by the fact that he just set the record for total postseason home runs. Tuesday's home run that has caused you so much anger was his 24th. It took him 383 plate appearances to hit that many. The next highest is Bernie Williams, who hit 22 in 544 plate appearances.
Finally, this has nothing to do with your lame attempt at maligning the Red Sox, but I can't help but notice that the Indians only started to beat the Red Sox on the same day that Vernon Bellecourt died, who was the best-known protester of their racist name and mascot. Bellecourt was an early member of the American Indian Movement and a longtime righteous dude. RIP, Vernon. His cause was reason enough even for Yankees fans to root for the Red Sox this series.
Who's maligning the Red Sox? They're still in the playoffs and the Yankees aren't. I can't talk. All I'm saying is that Manny, irrespective of his career postseason numbers, is an obnoxious idiot for acting like that and I'm amazed he gets away with it. Furthermore, Pedroia, after all his maligning of A-Rod earlier in the year for his bush league dirty sliding into him on second base, made the same stupid bush league cheater move that A-Rod famously did a few years ago (a move I never defended and I was probably the one to point out the Jeter on second situation to you). And the only reason you guys are defending or staying silent on either move is because of your Red Sox bias. You'd have the same opinion as me if either of these things were done by a member of the Yankees.
The Indians are racist, but I'm not going to root for the Red Sox. sorry.
Oh my. A player actually has a healthy attitude towards a game. I don't disagree with a single thing he says there? Some say he retarded but that is one of the most sane things I've heard a player say. I think you are implying that his casual attitude will translate to lackluster effort but his stats clearly show that is not the case. What did Jeter's rah! rah! first pumping attitude get him in the playoffs? I'll tell you. A .176 OBP and 0 extra base hits. The Yankees could have really used a slacker like Manny in the playoffs.
The Pedroia thing is a real Rashoman type event. You could see it many ways. There is no doubt I'm biased but the difference to me is that the first baseman was directly in front of Pedroia who was heading for the bag. In A-Rod's case he had a clear path to first and tried to whack the ball out of Arroyo's hand as he went by and then pretended that he did nothing. I think it is telling that the only people talking about this are Yankee fans. This story has very little play nationally because there is no story. And even if you decide the two were equal no one is going to give a proven prick like A Rod a break and say he was just playing hard. We'll never agree on this but it is fun to argue.
ps. I think the Celtics logo is anti-Irish. I'm half pissed off and the other half thinks it is hysterical because the Irish really look like drunken leprechauns.
Take the gratuitous jeter bashing out of your first paragraph and I actually totally agree with you there. I was mostly just stoking the fire in response to akboognish, "Manny", and "a-rod likes little boys". This type of comment drives some fans crazy, but yes, it is actually a healthy attitude.
As for your Pedroia analysis, come on. Really. The fact that you, you, even suggest that it's a rashomon type thing is evidence against your case. There is absolutely nothing natural about his movements and there is nothing out of the ordinary about where Martinez was standing to make that out. The reason the rest of the country (except Deadspin who are no Yankee fans) didn't make a big deal about it is that they're sick of the Red Sox and the Yankees, it wasn't a critical play in the game, and it wasn't clear what he did until the last replay angle, when it became very clear and rightfully struck a chord with Yankees fans who have been listening to Red Sox fans harp on the A-Rod play for 3 years (a play which, btw, I was more outraged and angry at A-Rod than any of you because of the Jeter on 2nd thing - something akboognish conveniently forgets). It was just too perfect that the little punk who was crying about A-Rod being a dirty player earlier in the year, ended up caught on tape pulling and A-Rod.
Let's go Celtics! I'm getting sick of this talk about "when they get a real point guard". I think Rondo is the perfect point guard for this team/situation. I'll cover this more in my forthcoming all-sports-wrap post (waiting on the Torre verdict).
I don't think I conveniently forgot about your outrage about the A-Rod play--I didn't think about your reaction at all and furthermore never accused you of forgetting it (I said "don't forget," but that was primarily a rhetorical device and was also aimed at your larger audience). As for whether it was the same thing as A-Rod's cheap ass play at second earlier in the year, I just don't see it being the same. I've been searching for more discussion on this and for more video angles, but can't find anything. I was watching that game and don't even remember it happening, in fact. Somebody give me some different links than the nomaas clip, although I have to confess that I'm not sure I'd change my mind too much. As I said, if he really tried an interference play on the first base line, that is amateur and maybe even bush-league. He's a rookie, though, so I'll give him a freebie. A-Rod does the slappy thing and then, with shocked expression, denies it. He's not a rookie, but the best player in baseball. He doesn't get a freebie after the denial. But then after that he runs by an infielder and shouts "mine," and then goes way out of the basepath to deck Pedroia, potentially injuring him. That's three strikes for somebody that doesn't deserve one. Not the same thing.
As for Manny, I'm glad we're all in agreement that his "it's just a game" attitude is actually pretty refreshing. I'm trying to adopt that attitude right now, in fact.
Celtics? Sorry, can't and won't get on board there. But I am having a good time with all the 49ers fans out here in SF, since lots of them like Brady (local boy) and feel like they're reliving the heyday of the Niners and Montana.
Nothing against the Celtics--I just can't add another Boston sports team to my current sports interests or I'll really start to bore people (and maybe myself since I'm not moving there anytime soon). I need to start paying attention to local teams once in a while and the Warriors are pretty interesting. I had this revelation when I went to SF's premier "Boston sports bar" and hung out for an inning or two with a dull barfly from Mattapan trying to read the subtitles. No nostalgia there
I've since done more research on the Pedroia "slap" and have discovered that I've fallen for a total ruse by nomaas. The video was manipulated, there was never contact, and Pedroia was just going for a slide into first (admittedly dumb) to avoid the tag. Check which is a Yankees fan's blog. That's why there's no discussion of this anywhere and no other video of it than the nomaas thing, which is all screwed up, ends before the play is over, slows down and speeds up, and has a bouncing "FOX" logo. I take back anything I said about Pedroia being bush-league.
Fair enough on the Celtics thing, but I'd recommend keeping an eye on them. I watched one of their preseason games and it promises to be a very interesting season.
Ok, now on to the important business. I can say in absolute certainty, without reservation or bias, that this Pedroia slap thing was absolutely, completely, totally NOT a ruse based on some fake footage by I was watching the play in the first inning and immediately called it and started pointing it all (the slap, the irony, etc) out to my roommate Sean, aka the Practical Slacker. I believe you know him, have his email, and can verify that I immediately commented agitatedly about it. Nothing in that article by the Yankees blog claims that it was a fake or a ruse, but instead it verifies that they saw it too. The suggestion of it being a ruse came from a commenter, likely a Sox fan, and therefore has no legitimacy associated with the blog post itself. As for the comment's theory's veracity, it's based totally on the FOX logo bouncing up and down? What? This is an animated .gif file! He (possibly you) obviously doesn't understand what that means. An animated .gif file is pieced together from multiple individual digital images taken from screen shots, put together in sequence, and automated into .gif format, much like an old fashioned flip book. That the FOX symbol was moving only says to me that someone took multiple pictures off the real video footage (see poor quality resolution) and was somewhat sloppy in putting them together (not lining up the FOX symbol on top). I can personally guarantee you, with whatever reputation I have on the line, that this Pedroia slap thing was not a ruse concocted by NoMaas is known for it's comical photoshop concoctions, but this is not a fake. That's exactly how it looked in real life. Period. I guarantee it.
"A-Rod does the slappy thing and then, with shocked expression, denies it. He's not a rookie, but the best player in baseball. He doesn't get a freebie after the denial. But then after that he runs by an infielder and shouts "mine," and then goes way out of the basepath to deck Pedroia, potentially injuring him. That's three strikes for somebody that doesn't deserve one. Not the same thing."
Today I taught a sweet old man the slogan "Yankees Suck." Immediatley regreted it when he repeated it back to me.
I tried to explain that 'suck' is kind of a impolite word and he shouldnt ever say it again.
And that's Jeannette talking about sports!
remember when the sox won? that was awesome. it will also never happen again. i'm glad i was there for it, though.
Jeannette - was he a Led Sox fan?
Blythe - I believe you've stumbled into the wrong blog with that type of talk.
Dear Dan,
Ad hominem attacks on me only expose how sad you are. How I choose to celebrate my walk off homeruns will not change how your team did in the playoffs. You must accept that.
p.s. Yes. Manny knows what 'ad hominem' means.
Manny Esq.,
Please note the jersey you're wearing in this photo. While your celebration of your walk-off home run against the Angels was obnoxious, I'm specifically referring to your now trademark "jazz hands" celebration in last night's game which was done for a one run home run, which still left your team down 4 runs, which were a few innings from leaving your team down 3-1 in the series, which was done in the home stadium of your former team. Truly obnoxious, sir. No other player in the history of baseball gets away with showing up pitchers and teams the way you do - a concession made based on your alleged retardedness. My question is this: Are you retarded? If so, then I will retract my statement and apologize. If not, you should get beaned like every other player in the history of baseball for your despicable behavior. Please go to hell. Unless you're retarded, in which case, you may go to heaven.
I'm sorry, but How many home runs in a row did Manny's make it? What's that? Back To Back To Back home runs? Has that ever been done before in the ALCS? Perhapses Manny did have something to celebrate after all? Not a walk-off, but still pretty clutch, and hopefully adding to the building Rally that his team needed at that point in the game...
Dear Dan,
When you smoke as much bud as I do you learn to play the game with joy and express yourself. Being an individual is not being retarded. If you prefer homerun hitting robots that lower their heads as they sprint around the bases that is your problem. But to use an overused phrase Manny will be Manny and I am Manny.
besa mi culo, puto,
I have an idea of who this might be, but why don't you post under your name or pseudonym rather than anonymously posting under a slur like "a-rod likes little boys"?
Bottom line: NO other player gets away with that. Not one. But it's Manny being Manny so it's ok. I would have liked to see him pull that shit on Nolan Ryan. He'd've been a dead man walking to first base with his jazz hands up. I'm not even sure he would have made it to first base. It's ridiculous. And if you weren't a Red Sox fan, you'd agree with me.
Dear Manny,
So you're a drug addict and not retarded? That's sad.
Warmest wishes,
Dear Dan,
Legalize it and don't criticize it.
p.s. I think a famous Yankee with the #44 invented showing up pitchers after homeruns. I'm just trying to live up to Reggie.
Not like you, Manny. Not like you.
Please get help with your drug problem. You're setting a bad example for millions of young baseball players. Think about the kids, next time you take the pot.
I don't think Manny was trying to show up the pitcher, or his former team. I think he was genuinely excited because he got up to the plate and wanted to keep the home run thing going, and he couldn't believe he did it. I couldn't believe he did it, either. I don't think it went beyond that. Sure, it was Manny being an idiot (since he should have shown focus and determination since his team was still down by 4), and maybe Manny being retarded (or stoner), but I don't think it was about him being an asshole. I seriously doubt any players take his shit personally. After all, he's the one who readily admits that he's a bad man. And he remains a better post-season hitter than A-Rod (easy) or, for that matter, Jeter.
As for Pedroia's play, I have to confess that I didn't see it, and I don't know how it played out. Looks to me like he went for a slappy-style interference play that didn't work out because the first baseman held on to the ball. But the important difference was what A-Rod did after being called out, with his pathetic "what????" expression and shock that anybody would accuse him of something like interference. I don't have a lot of knowledge of Pedroia, but I bet he wouldn't react the same way at the end of the play. Sometimes you can't help what you do while running down to first, or into second. But denying it after the fact is pathetic. And don't forget that A-Rod's play screwed up Jeter getting to second base (they put him back on first). Did Pedroia screw it up for another player, too? So, bush league? Yup, I agree with that. He's a rookie, so maybe he gets a free one, and it shouldn't happen again. But "cheater"? I don't think so. Same as A-Rod's move? Definitely not in the same league. Not even close.
Classic Sox fan: always gotta try to make it about Jeter. As for postseason hitting, Jeter's career postseason batting avg is 309, Manny's career postseason batting avg is 268 (A-Rod's 279, fyi)
A lot of players (probably all players) get very excited when they hit postseason homeruns, but not a single one of them acts like that. Short of his being retarded as an excuse, there is no excuse. I don't give a shit if he's "childlike". Children can be taught how to behave.
I don't feel the need to respond to the defense of the Pedroia play. It speaks for itself.
I'll admit that I threw Jeter in there to see if I'd get a fight. Figuring you knew what you were talking about, I almost left it alone. But then I looked into it, and interestingly, I think it's not hard to justify calling Manny a better post season hitter than either Jeter or A-Rod (and not just because he's a bad man):
Jeter wins in batting average (as you pointed out above) and Jeter just barely wins in on-base percentage (Jeter: .377, Manny: .373, A-Rod: .361). But Manny wins in slugging percentage (Manny: .524, A-Rod: .483, Jeter: .469). And in on-base + slugging ("OPS"), which is considered superior to either on base percentage or slugging percentage alone, Manny wins handedly (Manny: .897, Jeter: .846, A-Rod: .844). Now, I know, the problem with OPS is that it tends to give too much weight to slugging percentage, when on base percentage is probably a bit more important than slugging percentage. So they invented the Gross Percentage Average ("GPA") which is considered the most superior indicator of a player's offensive worth. Here, Manny wins again (Manny: .299, Jeter: .287, A-Rod: .283).
Interestingly, none of these numbers appear that amazing, especially considering the players' regular season stats. But for comparison, Reggie Jackson's postseason GPA is .292.
Certainly, Manny's numbers are aided by the fact that he just set the record for total postseason home runs. Tuesday's home run that has caused you so much anger was his 24th. It took him 383 plate appearances to hit that many. The next highest is Bernie Williams, who hit 22 in 544 plate appearances.
Finally, this has nothing to do with your lame attempt at maligning the Red Sox, but I can't help but notice that the Indians only started to beat the Red Sox on the same day that Vernon Bellecourt died, who was the best-known protester of their racist name and mascot. Bellecourt was an early member of the American Indian Movement and a longtime righteous dude. RIP, Vernon. His cause was reason enough even for Yankees fans to root for the Red Sox this series.
Who's maligning the Red Sox? They're still in the playoffs and the Yankees aren't. I can't talk. All I'm saying is that Manny, irrespective of his career postseason numbers, is an obnoxious idiot for acting like that and I'm amazed he gets away with it. Furthermore, Pedroia, after all his maligning of A-Rod earlier in the year for his bush league dirty sliding into him on second base, made the same stupid bush league cheater move that A-Rod famously did a few years ago (a move I never defended and I was probably the one to point out the Jeter on second situation to you). And the only reason you guys are defending or staying silent on either move is because of your Red Sox bias. You'd have the same opinion as me if either of these things were done by a member of the Yankees.
The Indians are racist, but I'm not going to root for the Red Sox. sorry.
"It doesn't happen, so who cares? There's always next year. It's not like it's the end of the world."
- Manny Ramirez
Oh my. A player actually has a healthy attitude towards a game. I don't disagree with a single thing he says there? Some say he retarded but that is one of the most sane things I've heard a player say. I think you are implying that his casual attitude will translate to lackluster effort but his stats clearly show that is not the case. What did Jeter's rah! rah! first pumping attitude get him in the playoffs? I'll tell you. A .176 OBP and 0 extra base hits. The Yankees could have really used a slacker like Manny in the playoffs.
The Pedroia thing is a real Rashoman type event. You could see it many ways. There is no doubt I'm biased but the difference to me is that the first baseman was directly in front of Pedroia who was heading for the bag. In A-Rod's case he had a clear path to first and tried to whack the ball out of Arroyo's hand as he went by and then pretended that he did nothing. I think it is telling that the only people talking about this are Yankee fans. This story has very little play nationally because there is no story. And even if you decide the two were equal no one is going to give a proven prick like A Rod a break and say he was just playing hard. We'll never agree on this but it is fun to argue.
ps. I think the Celtics logo is anti-Irish. I'm half pissed off and the other half thinks it is hysterical because the Irish really look like drunken leprechauns.
Take the gratuitous jeter bashing out of your first paragraph and I actually totally agree with you there. I was mostly just stoking the fire in response to akboognish, "Manny", and "a-rod likes little boys". This type of comment drives some fans crazy, but yes, it is actually a healthy attitude.
As for your Pedroia analysis, come on. Really. The fact that you, you, even suggest that it's a rashomon type thing is evidence against your case. There is absolutely nothing natural about his movements and there is nothing out of the ordinary about where Martinez was standing to make that out. The reason the rest of the country (except Deadspin who are no Yankee fans) didn't make a big deal about it is that they're sick of the Red Sox and the Yankees, it wasn't a critical play in the game, and it wasn't clear what he did until the last replay angle, when it became very clear and rightfully struck a chord with Yankees fans who have been listening to Red Sox fans harp on the A-Rod play for 3 years (a play which, btw, I was more outraged and angry at A-Rod than any of you because of the Jeter on 2nd thing - something akboognish conveniently forgets). It was just too perfect that the little punk who was crying about A-Rod being a dirty player earlier in the year, ended up caught on tape pulling and A-Rod.
Let's go Celtics! I'm getting sick of this talk about "when they get a real point guard". I think Rondo is the perfect point guard for this team/situation. I'll cover this more in my forthcoming all-sports-wrap post (waiting on the Torre verdict).
I don't think I conveniently forgot about your outrage about the A-Rod play--I didn't think about your reaction at all and furthermore never accused you of forgetting it (I said "don't forget," but that was primarily a rhetorical device and was also aimed at your larger audience). As for whether it was the same thing as A-Rod's cheap ass play at second earlier in the year, I just don't see it being the same. I've been searching for more discussion on this and for more video angles, but can't find anything. I was watching that game and don't even remember it happening, in fact. Somebody give me some different links than the nomaas clip, although I have to confess that I'm not sure I'd change my mind too much. As I said, if he really tried an interference play on the first base line, that is amateur and maybe even bush-league. He's a rookie, though, so I'll give him a freebie. A-Rod does the slappy thing and then, with shocked expression, denies it. He's not a rookie, but the best player in baseball. He doesn't get a freebie after the denial. But then after that he runs by an infielder and shouts "mine," and then goes way out of the basepath to deck Pedroia, potentially injuring him. That's three strikes for somebody that doesn't deserve one. Not the same thing.
As for Manny, I'm glad we're all in agreement that his "it's just a game" attitude is actually pretty refreshing. I'm trying to adopt that attitude right now, in fact.
Celtics? Sorry, can't and won't get on board there. But I am having a good time with all the 49ers fans out here in SF, since lots of them like Brady (local boy) and feel like they're reliving the heyday of the Niners and Montana.
Typical Red Sox lawyer rhetoric.
"Can't and won't get on board" with the Celtics? Why? What do you have against the Celtics?
Nothing against the Celtics--I just can't add another Boston sports team to my current sports interests or I'll really start to bore people (and maybe myself since I'm not moving there anytime soon). I need to start paying attention to local teams once in a while and the Warriors are pretty interesting. I had this revelation when I went to SF's premier "Boston sports bar" and hung out for an inning or two with a dull barfly from Mattapan trying to read the subtitles. No nostalgia there
I've since done more research on the Pedroia "slap" and have discovered that I've fallen for a total ruse by nomaas. The video was manipulated, there was never contact, and Pedroia was just going for a slide into first (admittedly dumb) to avoid the tag. Check which is a Yankees fan's blog. That's why there's no discussion of this anywhere and no other video of it than the nomaas thing, which is all screwed up, ends before the play is over, slows down and speeds up, and has a bouncing "FOX" logo. I take back anything I said about Pedroia being bush-league.
Fair enough on the Celtics thing, but I'd recommend keeping an eye on them. I watched one of their preseason games and it promises to be a very interesting season.
Ok, now on to the important business. I can say in absolute certainty, without reservation or bias, that this Pedroia slap thing was absolutely, completely, totally NOT a ruse based on some fake footage by I was watching the play in the first inning and immediately called it and started pointing it all (the slap, the irony, etc) out to my roommate Sean, aka the Practical Slacker. I believe you know him, have his email, and can verify that I immediately commented agitatedly about it. Nothing in that article by the Yankees blog claims that it was a fake or a ruse, but instead it verifies that they saw it too. The suggestion of it being a ruse came from a commenter, likely a Sox fan, and therefore has no legitimacy associated with the blog post itself. As for the comment's theory's veracity, it's based totally on the FOX logo bouncing up and down? What? This is an animated .gif file! He (possibly you) obviously doesn't understand what that means. An animated .gif file is pieced together from multiple individual digital images taken from screen shots, put together in sequence, and automated into .gif format, much like an old fashioned flip book. That the FOX symbol was moving only says to me that someone took multiple pictures off the real video footage (see poor quality resolution) and was somewhat sloppy in putting them together (not lining up the FOX symbol on top). I can personally guarantee you, with whatever reputation I have on the line, that this Pedroia slap thing was not a ruse concocted by NoMaas is known for it's comical photoshop concoctions, but this is not a fake. That's exactly how it looked in real life. Period. I guarantee it.
Oh, wait. I get it. You knew that theory was total bullshit and were just trying to wind me up. Nicely done.
Now I have to get back to work.
"A-Rod does the slappy thing and then, with shocked expression, denies it. He's not a rookie, but the best player in baseball. He doesn't get a freebie after the denial. But then after that he runs by an infielder and shouts "mine," and then goes way out of the basepath to deck Pedroia, potentially injuring him. That's three strikes for somebody that doesn't deserve one. Not the same thing."
Don't forget he likes little boys too...
Joe T may not be a Yankee anymore, but he damn sure ain't no Sox fan!
Lots Of Jazz hands in Boston tonight :)
congrats. I love a good party almost as much as I love the Yankees.
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