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Friday, February 16, 2007
Assorted Sports
Time to do a sports wrap-up.
In response to a request for discussion/comment on the Hardaway gaybashing, I'll say that he's a douchebag and that's the understatement of the year. I almost don't want to comment on it because he's so stupid and I don't really want to perpetuate the story, but it does warrant some comment. The short story is this: former NBA player comes out of the closet, another former NBA player goes on the radio and says that he "hates gay people" and that homosexuality shouldn't be "in the world or in the United States". What can you say. He's a total idiot and asshole and it's horrible to hear him going on national radio and saying something like that even if that is how he honestly feels (which it obviously is) and other people feel that way but just won't say it. A lot of athletes are assholes and I'm sure there is a lot of homophobia in locker rooms. I don't think it's an indictment of sports though. There are a lot of assholes and homophobia in society. The sports world is a bit of a microcosm of society and a story like this stands out because of its contrast to the perceived/projected heterosexual atmosphere of sports (nothing says man-woman love like two people of the same gender slamming into and rubbing against eachother). If you follow sports closely enough, you'll find all sorts of social commentary, hope, despair, hatred, love, etc., etc. So, fuck Tim Hardaway. Hopefully, his caustic bigotry will make other homophobes and haters in the sports world, and in society in general, examine and reconsider their feelings.
In other NBA news, the Celtics finally won a game! For the first time in 19 games. 18 consecutive losses. Yikes. I think all C's fans are at least begrudgingly rooting for them to lose at this point to increase their chances of picking up potential Hall of Famers Oden or Durant in the draft, but it was getting ridiculous and detrimental to the mental well-being of the young kids on the team. I was watching the games to monitor the development of the kids and then hoping for them to lose in the end. But I was definitely rooting for them to win the last two. They're my team. Gotta root for them. I don't think I've ever been in the position of actually rooting for one of my teams to lose before. Not even for the Tim Duncan draft. But this year, they're either going to: a) end up with a franchise type player, a healthy Pierce, and a well-developed crop of young players; or b) they're going to miss the playoffs, get a decent non-star player with the 5th through 9th pick, they will have passed on legit opportunities to trade for AI, Gasol, Boozer, or maybe even Garnett, Pierce will leave the team in a year or two, and they will continue in the same cycle of mediocrity they've been stuck in since McHale retired in the early nineties. Maybe instead of rooting against the C's, I'll start rooting for Memphis and Philly. The more they win, the better off we are.
In other other NBA news, it's All-Star Weekend! I still love this game and I still love NBA All-Star Weekend. I think it's gotta be my favorite of the All Star extravaganzas. The baseball All-Star game is the only one that's even close. I realized last weekend that I don't think I've ever watched a Pro Bowl (something I realized while flipping through the channels around the Pro Bowl). It's kind of anti-climactic. We've watched the entire college and pro football seasons, culminating in the bowl games, the NFL playoffs, the Bud Bowl, and the Super Bowl. And then we're supposed to care about watching a bunch of players half ass it against eachother in Hawaii? No thanks. The other All-Star games are in the middle of the seasons and the players still seem to care. Actually, I've only watched the NHL game a few times and not in years, so I don't really know. or care. I like the idea of the MLB game determining home field advantage for the World Series. I also liked the idea of the MLS All Stars playing Chelsea, which is essentially an all star team. But, I've always loved watching the NBA All Star game and festivities the most. The dunk contest (Go Gerald Go!) and the 3 pt contest may not be what they once were (MJ v 'Nique? Bird walking away with his finger in the air on the last shot? come on), but they're still pretty cool. What would be really cool is to see them take the Sports Guy's advice and implement a HOUSE competition. Can you imagine Arenas hitting a half court hook shot to eliminate Kobe? How fucking great would that be. And if I may tangent again, how fucking great has the emergence of Arenas as a superstar hot dog this year been? This shot of him hitting the game-winning shot and turning around and walking down the court with his arms in the air as it fell through the net was downright birdesque. and I don't use that term lightly. fucking awesome:
here's a similar one of him hitting a game winner from about 5 or 6 feet behind the arc with a hand in his face and walking away with a great expression on his face:
he's definitely my favorite non-Celtic in the NBA right now:
In non-NBA news, 3 words: pitchers and catchers!!! Welcome back, beisbol. Today is the official start of the season - when pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training. There's not too much to say right now, Yankees fans. Welcome back, Andy Pettitte!
In other baseball related news, I sold (or re-sold, as it were) the Jackie Robinson painting at my show in Lynn.
I brought my newest baseball painting up there last night (because I thought it would hang nicely alongside the Jackie painting, and the owner of the cafe told me it had sold and handed me a check. He's going to hang the baseball painting anyways. (scoutie, dewy24, carpetman trivmaster, and brian in la may recogize the ball as the one I picked up on the field after missing 10 consecutive field goal attempts).
And lastly, congrats to sports fan vtk reader B-Tom and his wife Jen on the healthy birth of their son Max, the newest Celtics fan in town.
Good stuff as always. And congrats to you for becoming renowned in Lynn! Good show dude.
And i'll piggyback on your congrats to T&J on Max. Great name for a belgian jew.
Good stuff as always. And congrats to you for becoming renowned in Lynn! Good show dude.
And i'll piggyback on your congrats to T&J on Max. Great name for a belgian jew.
should we start calling him American Max?
congrats on the sale!
I thank you very much!
How many sales is that now-- 4 or 5?
that's 4 at this show and I met two people who seemed legitimately interested in getting commissions done. so, it's going well.
side note: I just heard that Gibert Arenas won $20,000 from DeShawn Stevenson in that shooting contest.
And congratulations Gerald Green for winning the Slam Dunk Contest!
And congratulations to dewy24 and CJ on the birth of their baby girl! Newest Celtics fan by a day.
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