I just recently set up a new show of several of my paintings at the
Gulu Gulu Cafe in beautiful downtown Lynn. It took me 30 minutes to drive up there and an additional 30 minutes to drive around in circles in a 5 block radius trying to find the place. I got out of the car twice to ask directions but couldn't seem to find anyone who didn't look like they would kill me for asking directions. Nice town. But it is apparently a bit of a cutting-edge burgeoning hipster loft-living scene, so it's a good place to hang my art (especially for free). And my friends T&H live there, so it's got good people cred.

The owner of the Cafe told me that there are lots of people moving up there looking for art to fill their new spacious living quarters. I didn't think much of it, but he emailed me the first day that the show was open to tell me that one piece (pictured) sold almost immediately. So that's cool. There will be an official "meet and greet" type show for me and the 2 other artists on Thursday night, February 15th, starting around 7 PM. Live music from
Fluttr Effect Trio and
Laura Younger starts around 8 PM. Come on by, if you're in the area (read: anywhere North of South Boston). They serve some really good beers so you can make it a Thirsty Thursday event if you like.
yeah, man, you got to love a sale!!!! Here's to Lynn!
Oh, and here's another Lynn saying that's worth something:
(said with happy small child bouncing on grandparent's knees)
trot trot to Boston
trot trot to Lynn
trot trot to Wakefield
and fall right in!
at which point happy small child falls to the ground and hopefully doesn't injure his/her tailbone, and thus remains happy.
yowch! tough love.
I can verify that there are time/space wormholes in the downtown area that swallowed up my zipcar and spit it out around the corner away from my destination.
Dare I post the version I sing with A.:
subway to Brooklyn
subway to the Bronx
subway to Manhattan
subway to Queeeeeeeeeeeens!
(much squealing and delight)
Lucky for A. that her mother has the good sense to sing a proper version. I, on the other hand, can't help myself.
welcome back to the blogosphere, brooklyn banks.
Congrats, Dan-- you've hit the big time. In an article about couples running restaurants together in today's Globe (Feb 14 2007) there is a long description of the goings-on at Gulu Gulu. After mentioning the food, the beers, the clientele, the open-mic nights, etc, the fateful and fame-creating line appears:
"People come in just to look at the art," says Feldmannova.
See the whole article at:
very nice. good timing too. here's that full link.
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