I have now completed #344 on my list of 400 things to do before I die: name something (this post) “Bowla Supa Bowl”. If I didn’t already have a
supa clever name for this blog, I might just have to name it Bowla Supa Bowl. Those who don’t have bands, use their clever name ideas on blogs or pub trivia teams; those who already have blogs and pub trivia teams, use their clever name ideas on blogposts. And … score! When I google
bowla supa bowl,
this is the first link to come up. “Torpor Indy” is a good name; “Pey-Back Game” is even better. This blog is now my official source for Indy Supa Bowl news. I think I’ll go with the Chicago Tribune for the Bears.
Neither my favorite team, the Steelers, nor the local team, the Pats, are in the Super Bowl this year, so my posting will not be as extensive as last year’s coverage. But I will drop in a few links on this post as I come across them (under UPDATES at the bottom), because Super Week kicks ass. Starting with
this nice photo montage of Media Day by the Sports Guy. Also, I don’t really have any sympathy for a blogger who complains about not getting legitimate media credentials, yet
writes “all though” instead of “although” in his post complaining about it. That's why the journalists get in and you don't, dude.

I’m rooting for the Bears, my original hometown team, but it’s not looking good. They’re 7 point underdogs and Indy is looking like a team of destiny. This game is either going to be a blowout reminiscent of the 90’s or it’s going to be an upset classic like when the Pats beat the Rams. I just don’t know. I’m filling out a card for a 3 pick parlay right now and I can’t decide what to pick. Here are the options: final score, over under, scoring in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quarters, and first and second halves, over under on each scoring pick, total 1st downs by each team, total FG, longest FG, first team to punt, to commit a turnover, to score in the 2nd half, passing yards for each QB, rushing for each RB (2 for Chi), receiving for Harrison and Berrian, total fumbles lost, total interceptions by both teams. Any suggestions, sports fans? No mention of the first beer commercial. I’m thinking Bud Light myself.
Update: There probably aren't going to be any updates.
Who cares if Rex shows up or not - the defense is winning this game and is gonna stick it right to Peyton Manning's FACE.
oh yeah.
oh yeah.
There's a chance that Peyton's still due for a choke. If the Pats had run the ball with 3 minutes and change left in the AFC Championship instead of unexplicably deciding to pass the ball, his last series of the season would have been that pathetic 3 and out.
DA Bears
funny, troll.
Ditka vs Vagina Troll.....
I'm not here to cause no trouble, I'm just here to do the Super Bowl Shuffle!
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