You may remember a few posts ago, I laid out a fairly rough idea about a CSA-style Local Art Library. Well, I've been working feverishly to shape, shave, and shove the idea into a form that will work for both artists and subscribers. And believe you me, it WILL work. And not just because I'm a belligerent dreamer. This idea works. People just need to see it in action. Ah, yes, the action. So, the action. After a feverish search, I've pulled together 10 local Boston artists who are going to participate, making 10 pieces available for lending to subscribers, giving us a massive, diverse, and beautiful 100 piece collection. The website is under construction, as are the legal details of it all. We're now in the process of rolling out the idea to potential subscribers. Please consider doing us the solid of checking out the succinct version of the idea and of taking the succinct survey (5 quick questions) to help us gauge what potential subscribers think of our crazy, crazy-like-a-fox, so-crazy-it-just-might-work, scrappy-yet-exceedingly-professional idea. Thanks VTKountry!

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