The painting arrived in the mail yesterday in good condition, so that's the end of that. The return address was that of the Lower Depths, the bar from which the painting was stolen - clever. But the postmark was from Brooklyn - shocker. Looks like our art thief moved on to hipper pastures. In any case, it's a relief. Now I don't have to give up one of the other paintings that will be hanging in Ula Cafe in Jamaica Plain for the next month, which is both the last month of the baseball season and a month that includes next weekend's JP Open Studios. If you're in the area, stop by and check it out. I'll be manning a small table out front. This will allow me to market the paintings and keep an eye on sketchy potential thieves like the shifty characters pictured below.

Any one of them could be a thief.
Dan, maybe he gave it to a friend to mail. That's what I once did with that letter from "Reginald Luchetti"...
Reginald Luchetti, that prankster!
I think we'll have to let this mystery linger, because I have no intention of following up. Case closed.
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